
Dear colleagues “abroad”


Artevelde University of Applied Sciences Ghent Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences Antwerp are very pleased to invite you as a speaker to their international days Tale of Two Cities’ (previously known as International Communication Days), from Monday 6 March 2023 till Friday 10 March 2023.


It’s a unique international week combining two university colleges, ...


Dear partner,


We hope you are doing fine and 2023 has started well for you!


As Karelia UAS students are preparing to apply for an exchange during the next academic year, we would like to invite you to host an online session about your institution during our GO ABROAD Virtual Fair Days on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th of February 2023. ...


Dear Partner,


The new year is just around the corner and HOGENT is happy to share some of its good resolutions : on 8, 9 and 10 March 2023, we are organising our International Week!

We kindly invite you to attend this event.

The International Week focuses on sustainability.  

HOGENT – School of Business and Management  will approach this theme from six angles: mobility, ...


Dear colleagues

You and your colleagues are most welcome to join the 18th International days organised at Thomas More Kempen from 13-17 March 2023.

Our International Days are a Thomas More wide event for all faculties and campuses during which we bring together our partners.  During this week you are welcome to share your expertise with us, give guest lectures, network and much more!


The theme of 2023: Multidisciplinarity in Teaching. ...

Greetings from the International Balkan University (IBU) – Skopje, North Macedonia!
We would like to inform you of our next International Staff Week, which will be held at the IBU Campus in Skopje between the 24th and 28th of April 2023.
Please be informed that all your Teaching and Training Staff who are selected for Erasmus+ Mobility are kindly invited to attend our International Staff Week – ...

Dear Partners,


We are pleased to invite you and your colleagues to the 4th International Staff Teaching/Training Week   organized  by  the  Poznan  University of  Physical  Education  which  will  take place on 8-12 May 2023 in Poznan, Poland.


We invite the academic staff from our partner universities to come to the Poznan Physical Education University to share their knowledge, ...


Dear colleagues,


we are very happy to invite you and your colleagues to Finland, to Laurea’s International Week on 20.-24.3.2023!


Laurea International Week 2023: “Co-creating International Learning”


Laurea International Week 2023 “Co-creating International Learning” will be organized on the campus of Tikkurila (in the city of Vantaa), 20th – 24th March 2023. ...
