21 Απρ 4th International STaff Week
Hereby I would like to kindly thank you for Your willingness to come to Poznan University of Physical Education and take a part in the 4th International Staff week organized from 8th May, 2023 till 12th May, 2023.
Enclosed please find:
1. detailed programme of our International Week,
2. university map,
3. events confirmation form (please send to me back).
I hope this week will be a few day long experience for teaching/training staff, students and exciting social events witch brings our university closer to the participants.
The schedule of your meetings with students and university’s staff will be send in the end of next week.
with kind regards,
Malgorzata Nawrocka
Malgorzata Nawrocka, MSc
Institutional Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator
Head of International Relations Office