Viva la Turkey! International Week by Alanya HEP University

Viva la Turkey! International Week by Alanya HEP University

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Alanya HEP University, Turkey.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to Viva la Turkey! International Week by Alanya HEP University, which will take place between 9th-13th of May, 2022.

The aim of the event is to promote the idea of internationalization, to strengthen international partnership through personal meetings and to explore new partnerships as well. It is a great opportunity to compare different institutional strategies for internationalization and share experiences  in different approaches regarding student support and dealing with challenges during the COVID pandemic. It is a great opportunity to discuss various issues related to changes and innovations in Erasmus+ 2021-2027.

Viva la Turkey! International Week by Alanya HEP University gives participants opportunity to find out more about Alanya HEP University and the Mediterranean Region of Turkey, Turkish Riviera. The program provides unique occasions to explore Turkish culture, history, cuisine and traditions.


Application Deadline 10.04.2022 

The online application is open until the 10th of April 2022. In order to apply click the link


Selection of Applicants

The number of participants is limited to 35.

One institution can be represented by 2 people / at most 3 people if STT and STA are combined together.

Applications will be evaluated in the order of submission. Additional quota will be announced if available.


Registration fee 50 Euro 

Includes: meals as listed in the program, three excursions, all entrance tickets, Turkish Folk Evening, drinks and snacks during the breaks.

Payment deadline – 10th of April 2022; in exceptional circumstances, we may accept a later payment.



Participants are expected to obtain Erasmus+ Mobility grants or other source of financing from their home Institutions to cover their living and travel expenses.



We recommend you to stay at one of the following hotels:

  • SunPrime C-lounge Hotel 5* (minimum age 15 years old),
  • Kaila Beach Hotel 5*,
  • En Vie Beach 3*.

For a lower price, use the reference of Alanya HEP University while contacting the hotel of your choice.

We hope to meet the representation of your amazing Institution at Viva la Turkey! International Week by Alanya HEP University.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact our International Relations Office, +90 242 513 69 69 (1984) or WhatsApp +90 535 344 12 08

Kind regards,

Anna Maria Bielecka
Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Alanya HEP University
Erasmus+ Office
+90 242 513 6969

Viva La Turkey By Alanya HEP University