Visit – Applications for Teaching Mission (STA) – IPB (Portugal), Sept 2021
Ακολουθεί κάλεσμα από το Institute Polytechnic of Bragança (IPB – PORTUGAL) αναφορικά με τη δυνατότητα μετακίνησης για διδασκαλία στο πεδίο “ Virtual Reality in Education ”. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το γραφείο Erasmus
My name is Leonel Deusdado, and I’m a Professor of Institute Polytechnic of Bragança (IPB – PORTUGAL) in the area of informatics: Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality.
As you know, we are partners at Erasmus International Agreement, and I was also Erasmus Coordinator, working with incoming students, professors and staff mobility.
Every year, Professors can submit Applications for Teaching Mission (STA), doing mobility for Teaching Mission with an Erasmus Partner, to Promote high-level collaborative research and exchanging methodologies and best practices of their knowledge and skills in some area of specialization.
I’m writing to realize, if your institution is interested in (STA) mission in my area of work: “ Virtual Reality in Education ”.
This STA mobility will be in the the last Week of September 2021 (26 Set – 2 Oct)