LEO-NET seminar 2022

LEO-NET seminar 2022

Ακολουθεί ενημέρωση από Ghent University

On behalf of LEO-NET and UGent we cordially invite you to the forthcoming LEO-NET SEMINAR 2022 that will be held at Ghent University on June 16-17.

Ghent University has been a long standing member of LEO-NET and plays an active role in LEO-NET’s board.


The Seminar is particularly recommended for staff active in the field of (international) traineeships on a central level.

Also non-members are welcome. Note that the maximum number of attendants is limited to 45, to allow fruitful discussions and interaction.


LEO-NET’s main expertise is in the field of (international) traineeship mobility and related areas. If one says ‘traineeship’, we also think career awareness, employability, dialogue with employers and alumni, etc. So feel free to spread our invitation further in your institution and network of (international) traineeship experts, HEI international offices, (traineeship) mobility consortia, career services, student counselling services, alumni centres and other traineeship- or international HE-mobility related organisations that are interested in

Bridging Higher Education and Sustainable Careers.

A look at the new content of the LEO-NET website will help understand quickly what LEO-NET is all about and make one acquainted with the new formats that have been developed during the pandemic.