UniWA defines amenity as something that offers comfort, convenience, and is pleasant.  Student services are designed carefully, to improve the quality of life for both incoming and local students.



The University of West Attica does not provide accommodation to its students. The students are free to select any type of accommodation, according to their preferences. However, we suggest to our exchange students to get in contact with some private dormitories in order to find the best possible solution. Students are advised to use well-known websites in order to avoid any scams.


Useful links:


There are two gyms operating at the University of West Attica; one is placed at the Egaleo Park Campus and the other at the Ancient Olive Grove Campus, where University’s students and staff can use on workdays. The Gyms are fully equipped and fitness staff is there to offer guidance and supervision to the visitors.





The inclusion officer aims to promote diversity and inclusion and advocate for equal service provision in the workplace. Assesses inclusivity and equality needs and implements strategies to improve diversity. Aims at creating an environment where difference is embraced and individuals flourish. Equality, diversity and inclusion are about creating inclusive environments and practices where students can be themselves, are valued for their differences, and are supported to work at their best. Inclusion is about making people feel welcome; ensuring that it is safe for them to express who they choose to be; demonstrating their appreciation for the university’s input; working collaboratively. Students spend the majority of their time at university, so it’s critical that they feel safe and respected. Our multilingual inclusion officer is a professional who provides support for people experiencing social, cultural, kinaesthetic, and economic difficulties.



Ms. Kontou Eva


Tel: +302105385159

Building K1, room 004, ground floor

Campus 1 (Egaleo Park), Ag. Spyridonos str, 12243 Egaleo


Students have access to all libraries of the Egaleo Park (Campus 1) and Ancient Olive Grove (Campus 2). Both libraries offer specialized staff and the facilities to support students on their study and research. The library website lists offer services and provides access to digital directories, online resources, online journals, and other scientific material.





The University of West Attica boasts two state-of-the-art medical offices, meticulously staffed with qualified professionals. These facilities operate from Monday to Friday, with extensive service hours spanning from 07:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m. To ensure safety and compliance with health regulations, attendance to these medical offices is mandatory with the use of a mask, with an exception made for emergency situations. For cardiological pre-sport check-ups for the gym, please come to the medical office of the Egaleo Park Medical Office from  Monday to Friday from 10:00-12:00 with a mask, having the following blood tests with you: general blood count, urea, blood sugar, SGOT, SGPT, iron, ferritin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL.


Contact details of the Medical Office of Campus 1 (Egaleo Park):

Ag. Spyridonos str, 12243 Egaleo Building Κ14, Ground level

Τel.: +302105385801, +302105385128



Contact details of the Medical Office of Campus 2 (Ancient Olive Grove):

250 Thivon & P. Ralli str, 12244 Egaleo Building A, Ground level

Τel: +302105381223, +302105381254



The main objective of the service is to facilitate study, support students who face adjustment difficulties or other psychosocial or developmental difficulties, prevent dropping out of studies, and promote early graduation. The service seeks to enhance students’ satisfaction with their studies at the University of West Attica, to promote the maintenance and improvement of their mental well-being, and to contribute to the upgrading of the quality of life of the entire academic community. The main goal is to strengthen the students’ mental resilience, which refers to the process of positive adaptation despite any adverse circumstances.


Contact details 

Τel.: +30 2105385129





University of West Attica provides all Erasmus students with free meals in our restaurants (3 meals/day, 7 days/week for as long as they study at UNIWA). Student restaurants are open daily, including weekends and public holidays, (Christmas and Easter holidays are excluded).


  1. Campus 1 (Egaleo Park): Ag. Spyridonos Str., 12243, Egaleo (Monday to Friday)
  2. Campus 2 (Ancient Olive Grove): 250 Thivon& P. Ralli Str, 12241, Egaleo (Monday to Friday)
  3. Kritis: Kritis 10, 104 39, Athens (Saturday & Sunday)


The Student Advocate was established by Article 55 of National Law 4009/2011 with the aim of mediating between students and teachers or administrative services of the university so as to address maladministration, maintain legality, and safeguard its proper functioning. The Student Advocate is not responsible for examinations or student ratings.

As part of their responsibilities, the student advocate investigates cases of their own accord or upon a student’s request and mediates with the relevant bodies to resolve them. It may ask the university services for any information, document, or other evidence in the case, to examine persons and/or order an expert opinion. If they find that there is no legality in a particular case, maladministration is observed, or the proper functioning of the university is disturbed, they shall notify the professor concerned, the relevant administrative department, and the student submitting the report, and strive to find, by any means, a convenient way to solve the problem. The student advocate may, by his/her act, file a report that s/he considers manifestly indefinite, unfounded, or unsubstantiated, and if s/he considers that any evidence of a disciplinary offense is present, s/he shall forward the case to the competent disciplinary body.



Campus 1 (Egaleo Park), Ag. Spyridonos str, 12243 Egaleo

Building K12, School of Engineering, 1st floor

Tel: +30210 5385 577, +30210 5385 578




Who can submit a complaint?
Every participant may submit a complaint to the Erasmus+ Office if he/she believes that one or more of his/her fundamental rights have been violated due to mobility actions at the University of West Attica.


Complaint forms can be sent to the following emails: 1. 2.

find the complaint form here


ESN (Erasmus Student Network) West Attica is a network with volunteer students helping students. You are kindly advised to get in contact with ESN West Attica in order to be assigned with a buddy (upon request in the relevant form). You can get in contact with ESN through their websiteFacebook page or email address.


ESN Buddy System: