Erasmus+ Studies

Dear Erasmus Student,


Welcome to the University of West Attica! We are delighted you have chosen to study at the University of West Attica, within Erasmus+ Programme. Studying at the University of West Attica offers different mobility opportunities and opens your professional horizon.

In this section, you can find useful information regarding your studies at the University of West Attica. We hope you find our website useful and informative. For further information or for any help you may need, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

Erasmus (European Community Action Plan on student mobility) is a student exchange program for the European Union (EU), created in 1987. Erasmus+ or Erasmus Plus is the new program for education, training, youth and sport. It runs from January 2014, with organizations invited to apply for funding each year to undertake creative and worthwhile activities.

Erasmus+ aims to modernize education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open to education, training, youth and sport organizations across all sectors of lifelong learning, including school education, further and higher education, adult education and the youth sector.

The name of the program comes from the Dutch philosopher Erasmus, who is known as the challenger of dogmatism, who lived and worked in many places in Europe to expand his knowledge and acquire new knowledge. He left his fortune at the University of Basle in Switzerland. At the same time, the name Erasmus implies the European Community Action Plan on student mobility.

The program was created during the period of 1981-1986 right after the pilot student exchanges, and although officially approved only shortly before the 1987-1988 academic year, there were still 3244 students eligible to participate in the Erasmus program in the first year. In 2006, over 150000 students, or almost 1% of the European student population, were able to participate. The rate is higher for university professors, as their mobility through Erasmus accounts for 1,9% of the teaching population in Europe, or 20877 people. Over the past twenty years, more than two million students have benefited from the Erasmus scholarships, and the European Commission was aiming to reach a total of 3 million by 2012.