
ERASMUS+ is the European Commission’s program for education, training, youth and sport that aims to strengthen skills and employability, as well as modernize education, training and youth systems in all areas of Lifelong Learning (Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education, School Education, youth activities, etc.).


The action of the ERASMUS+ program in the field of Higher Education grants the mobility of students for studies and traineeships and the mobility of staff for teaching and training in Higher Education Institutions in countries inside (programme countries) and outside (partner countries) the European Union.


In 2015, a new action was added to the program, which enables European organizations to apply for funding for partner institutions beyond Europe. With this new action, also known as International Mobility (ICM), a Higher Education Institution can send its students – undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral candidates – as well as academic and administrative staff to a partner country for education, teaching or training, but also vice versa. International Mobility, with similar actions of the core Erasmus, supports and motivates European Higher Education Institutions to cooperate and exchange students and staff from all over the world, outside Europe.


Students and staff mobility abroad is considered particularly important, because the benefits gained by those who move are numerous. Through mobility, students have the opportunity to develop new skills and qualifications, which contribute to their personal development. Specifically, students are given the opportunity to improve their language skills, develop intercultural skills, develop into citizens of Europe, while in addition students who travel for internships can gain valuable work experience in a company/organization abroad.


In addition, through mobility, both academic and administrative staff of Institutions is given the opportunity to upgrade their skills, exchange good practices and gain important experiences. The quality of education and the attractiveness of Higher Education Institutions are also enhanced through the Joint Master’s Degree Programs that can be implemented by Groups of Higher Education Institutions.


The Erasmus Program was named in honor of the Dutchman Erasmus Desiderius van Rotterdam (Rotterdam 1466 – Switzerland 1536), who went down in history as a philologist, theologian and great humanitarian. The name Erasmus is a Hellenized form of his normal name (Desiderius). He studied in France, Italy and England and was an excellent connoisseur of the ancient Greek and Latin languages. As a professor at the University of Oxford and a doctor of the University of Turin, he maintained personal contact with many scholars of his time, travelling frequently. His work is inspired by pacifism, human values, unification of European culture, characteristics that make him a typical representative of the humanist spirit.


In a time when institutions are crumbling, dreams are disintegrating and visions are fading day by day, we, at the University of West Attica, continue to hope. We keep on dreaming. We continue to envision.